Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
To view the help for the latest version of Service Manager, click here

Logging into Service Manager

To log in to Service Manager, first get the URL from your administrator.

If you add an iFrame to your company web site in order to embed the Service Manager login, be sure that the web site HTML URL and iFrame HTML URL are same.

If you use Microsoft Internet Explorer, disable protection mode in the browser.

1.In a browser, enter the URL for your Service Manager system. The login page is displayed.

2.Enter your user name and password. (The password is masked.) 

3.Click Login.

You are now logged in and ready to use Service Manager.

You must be assigned to at least one role to log in. If you are not assigned to a role, you can only log in if your administrator has enabled anonymous login.

You can only log in using one role at a time. If you are assigned to only one role, you are automatically logged in as that role.

To change roles, log out and then log in again.

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